Stephen F. Austin State University

Jackie Grant - Page 18

Voices from Small Places - Arcadia, TX.

J. Grant
March 21, 2014
Arcadia, Texas
Photograph #18

Title: Where I Live Now

"It is my home now and I am blessed to here in Arcadia. My husband and I were married when we were 18 & 19. He told me then he was going to build me a house on this hill. Not until 1979 were we able to afford to buy the Darnell Hill. This was about 40 years later. We built our house in 1982. We have been here 32 years. Before we built our home, this hill had nothing on it except a stump that seemed to always get struck by lightning. After we built the house, lightning continued to strike the place where our house was built. We had damage to our home numerous times. We eventually got a company out of Houston to put up lightning rods. Lightning does strike more than once in the same place."