603 Park Photographs
603 Park 2010 Summer Survey
- Description: Colonial Ranch, rear-facing, massed, "U" Plan, with gabled wings. Moderately sloped roof with composition shingles. Exterior façades are light-blue, wooden siding. Front (south) façade from left to right consists of west gabled wing consisting of garage with white metal door. To the right of garage is a casement cross-sashed window, followed by three ranked windows 6/6 single-hung sashed windows with fixed, light-gray shutters. Following that is an entry porch supported by four wooden squared columns and pilasters on side walls. Under porch is a black paneled door followed by three ranked 8/8 single-hung sashed windows with casing. Then under the east gabled wing is a large bay window with 8/8 single-hung sashed window flanked by two 4/4 single-hung sashed windows.
- Click here for the 2010 survey form.
603 Park 1990 National Register Information
- Address: 603 Park
- Date: 1950
- Category: Noncontributing
- Block: 26
- Lot: 11-8
- Description: 1-story frame dwelling.