Stephen F. Austin State University

Richard Vance - Page 7

Voices from Small Places - Arcadia, TX

R. Vance
March 27, 2014
Arcadia, Texas
Photograph #13 / #14

Title: Cane Patch and Garden

"My wife's uncles and aunts talk about how they used to help make the syrup for the year. They ate a lot of syrup. Some of them were old enough to help in cutting and hauling the cane. With Greg Grant's help, I decided to keep the syrup-making tradition alive. As a beginner at raising cane, it's hard for me to imagine how much more difficult it must have been long ago when they had so many other crops to tend as well. The effort is well worth it though - the syrup is sure good! I have always loved gardening, and the garden keeps getting bigger each year. It's hard work, but satisfying work. "