Stephen F. Austin State University

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725 N. Mound

725 N. Mound Photographs

725 N. Mound 2011 Summer Survey

Description: Plexiglass skylight on north side. While this property continues to feature a detached garage, Tax Assessor's records show the current detached garage dates from 1997.
Significance: Robert W. Haselwood, a partner in the Stripling, Haselwood & Co Department Store, acquired the property where this house now sits in 1904. According to tax assessor's records the current house dates from 1912, during Haselwood's ownership of the property. From 1982 to 1993 the Haselwood house served as home to the Delta Sigma Phi fraternity. Tax assessor's records show that the interior of this building underwent renovation in 1994. The current detached garage dates to 1997. Sanborn maps from 1929 and 1946 show this property with both detached automotive garage and stables. Neither of these outbuilding appear to survive on the modern property. (1922 Sheet 6; 1929 Sheet 8; 1946 Sheet 8).

Sanborn Company Maps - 1922
Robert W. Haselwood Obit

725 N. Mound 1990 National Register Information

725 N. Mound 1986 Survey Information

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