Stephen F. Austin State University

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702 N. Mound

702 Mound Photographs

702 N. Mound, Summer 2011 Survey

The address of 702 N. Mound has become incorporated into the First Christian Church at 720-722 N. Mound, as well as at 523-25 Park St. The older building on the corner of Park and Mound was the original 1990 structure surveyed, as it is an older brick facade with a religious spire as well as the additional lots.

Construction began in 1948 for the new home for the First Christian Church, the architect was Nacogdoches local Hal B. Tucker. The groundbreaking service was held April 11, 1948 at 3 pm and the first new service in the sanctuary was July 17, 1949. (Daily Sentinel, 3-7-1982) By August 1, 1969 the Fellowship Hall had been built, with a nursery added 1980. (ETRC Vertical Files- Nacogdoches County Churches D-N) By the end of 1998, eighteen stained glass windows depicting the life of Christ were put in to replace the art deco style colored windows. (Daily Sentinel, 12-5-98)

In the ETRC there is a 1956 historic pencil drawing of the sanctuary in A-35, Box 10, Folder 3.

702 N. Mound 1990 National Register Information

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