Stephen F. Austin State University

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408 N. Mound

408 N. Mound Photographs

408 N. Mound 2011 Summer Survey

Description: One of the best preserved historic homes on Mound Street. Underneath the gables are decorative bracketing, and under the second floor balcony there is dentil work that is also present above the front entry doors, as well as the second story door that leads to the second story porch over the entry. The most notable feature is the front iron spiral staircase that leads from the first floor porch to the second story porch. The left side of the house contains a projecting bay, like many of the Dietrich Rulfs' other houses depict. A easily overlooked detail of the house is a still functioning clock above the driveway on the right side of the house.

Significance: From 1931- 1961, the house was under the ownership of Mrs. Mary Moon and her daughter, Sarah Jane Moon. In 1961, the house was used by Cason Monk Funeral Home as a chapel during the time they were building their new chapel. By 1962, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Taylor Jr. bought the home. Mrs. Taylor converted the downstairs into an antique shop. (ETRC Vertical Files: Nacogdoches- Historic Homes; Daily Sentinel April 22, 1963)

Update: Granted Historical Overlay Zoning in 1991 to qualify for local historical marker. House has been used as a bed and breakfast, so the the front spiral staircase had to be added as part of a fire code for guests, since there was only a staircase located in the back of the house. The historic house has been locally referred to as "the house with the tree", because it has one of the oldest, and therefore, largest oak trees in Nacogdoches.

408 N. Mound 1990 National Register Information

408 N. Mound 1986 Survey Information

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