303 N. Mound Photographs
303 Mound Front Photo by Ashley McDonald, 8/3/11
303 Mound Front Photo by Ashley McDonald, 8/3/11
303 Mound Right Side Detached garage/shed slightly visible. Photo by Ashley McDonald, 8/3/11
303 Mound Left Side Side revealing carport/ attached gable roof addition. Photo by Ashley McDonald, 8/11/11
303 Mound Front Photo by Ashley McDonald, 8/11/11
303 Mound Front Photo by Ashley McDonald, 8/11/11
303 Mound Front
303 Mound Front
303 Mound Right Side
303 Mound Left Side
303 Mound Front
303 Mound Front
303 Mound Front
303 Mound Front
303 Mound Right Side
303 Mound Left Side
303 Mound Front
303 Mound Front
303 Mound Front
303 Mound Front
303 Mound Right Side
303 Mound Left Side
303 Mound Front
303 Mound Front
303 N. Mound Summer 2011 Survey Information
According to the Dec 1, 2003 Nacogdoches Historic Landmark Preservation Committee minutes the house was painted Wedgewood Blue with burgundy accents, additional carpentry work was done at same time.
303 N. Mound 1990 National Register Information
Address: 303 N. Mound
Date: 1920
Category: Contributing
Block: 3
Lot: 10
Description: 2-story; wood frame with lapped siding; brick foundation; rectangular plan, gable roof with later addition; projecting shed roof at porch; composition shingles; inset porch, partially closed in with wood box columns over brick piers; windows 1/1 wood double-hung, some with simple hood mold; single entry door; porte cochere on south, exterior brick chimney on south.
303 N. Mound 1986 Survey Information
Address: 303 N. Mound
Name: Beck's Beauty Shop
Date: 1920s
Block: 3
Lot: 10
Condition: Good; altered at second floor and porch area
Description: 2-story; wood frame with lapped siding; brick foundation; rectangular plan, gable roof with later addition; projecting shed roof at porch; composition shingles; inset porch, partially closed in with wood box columns over brick piers; windows 1/1 wood double-hung, some with simple hood mold; single entry door; porte cochere on south, exterior brick chimney on south.