Stephen F. Austin State University

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723 Logansport

723 Logansport Photographs

723 Logansport 2011 Summer Survey

Detached gabled outbuilding in back. This survey could not locate the remains of an older fence mentioned in the 1990 description.

Significance: "Dick Kendall Cason, began work as a salesman for George H. Davison. A short time later in 1893, he purchased the hardware business of H. P. Mimes. In 1906 Mr. Cason, with others John Schmidt, R. C. Monk and Ed. Gaston, organized the firm Cason - Monk Hardware Company." (Nacogdoches County Genealogical Society, Nacogdoches County Families.) Deed records show Cason acquired the property where this house sits in 1912. According to Dr. Jere Jackson, Dietrich Rulfs, a noted local architect, built this home for D. K. Cason in 1914. Sanborn Company Fire Insurance Maps show a substantial addition to this property between 1922 and 1929. There was a two-story extension and a one-story addition to the rear of the house. Between 1922 and 1929 a small, one-story detached structure was built at the rear of the property. (1922 Sheet 6, 1929 Sheet 8). Links:

Sanborn Map - 1922 (Sheet 6)

Sanborn Map - 1929 (Sheet 8),%20Sheet%208&CCSI=894n

723 Logansport 1990 National Register Information

723 Logansport 1986 Survey Information

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