Stephen F. Austin State University

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Noonday Holiness Camp

Hwy 450, Hallsville

TX Historical Marker

The Noonday Holines Camp recieved a TX Historical Marker in 1968.

Architectural Survey

Architectural Survey

• Description: The Noonday Holiness Camp is an outdoor Vernaulcar camp underneath a hipped tin roof, supported by wooden posts. Wooden benches sit on a sawdust service looking towards a simple wooden platform. There are twelve camp houses behind the camp along with a large dinging hall.

• Significance: The Noonday Holiness Camp is the longest ongoing outdoor church camp in Harrison County.

Historical Background

The Noonday Holiness Camp is an interdenominational camp based on Wesleyan doctrine. Before the roofed canopy was built in 1900, camp meetings were organized in 1897 and held in a nearby field. Today the camp is still in use and is run by a board.
Noonday Holiness Camp Photos

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