Stephen F. Austin State University

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La Grone Chapel

Noonday Rd. & FM 2208, Hallsville

TX Historical Marker

The La Grone Chapel became a Tx Historical Landmark in 1973.

Architectural Survey

Architectural Survey

• Description: The 1866 La Grone Chapel is a Greek Revival structure with a front-gabled roof. A shed roof porch, supported by two slender columns, covers a double door entrance.

• Significance: The La Grone chapel was built by the surrounding people living within the newly established Hallsville area as place for the community to gather.

Historical Background

The La Grone chapel was built around 1866 on land given to the Hallsville community by Jacob LaGrone. Jacob was the son of John Adam Lagrone, a Revolutionary War Soldier. (Roster of Texas Daughter's Revolutionary Ancestors, TSDAR, 1976, Vol. 3, P. 1241.) After moving to Harrison County, Jacob and his wife Catherine were issued a land grant of 1,240 acres by the Sabine Land Commission in 1838. (Harrison County Deed Records, Vol. H, Pg. 337 and 369.) This was part of a land grant deal issued by the new Republic of Texas. Certificates were issued to the head of any family who came to Texas between October 1, 1837 and January 1, 1840. After holding the certificate for three years, the deed was then issued to the family as long as they permanently resided within the Republic. (Cannon v. Vaughn, 12 Tex. 401.)

At the time the LaGrones arrived in western Harrison County, Fort Crawford, a fort built in 1839 for protection against Indians, was the largest settlement in the area. Jacob LaGrone donated land for the chapel which was built three years before Hallsville became a town. (Harrison County Deed Records, Vol. X, Pg. 52.) The cemetery next to the Chapel was not established until after the Civil War around 1867. The LaGrone family is buried in the original family cemetery located across the road from the chapel. After the death of Jacob LaGrone, his estate was divided up and sold in portions which resulted in David McKinney purchasing the church and the surrounding acreage in 1869. A year later he donated the church to the Methodist Church. (Harrison County Deed Records, Vol. V-1, Pg. 696.)

In July of 1958, Rudd and Mary Still donated acreage adjacent to the chapel in order to increase the chapel grounds. Although the inside has been extensively renovated, the exterior has been left untouched and remains in its original state.

La Grone Chapel Photos

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