Stephen F. Austin State University

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Dr. Heartsill House

512 E. Austin, Marshall

Current Owner 2013: Mary A. Parker

Sanborn Maps:

Architectural Survey

Architectural Survey

The Dr. Heartsill House is a three-story Free-Classical, Queen Anne Structure. Unlike the Queen Anne homes that contain delicate turned posts with psindlework detailing as porch supports, Free-Classical Queen Anne homes have classical columns. These columns are the full height of the porch are raised on a pedestal to the level of the porch railing. The railling lacks the delicate, turned balusters of the psindleowrk type of queen Anne houses. The columns are also grouped together in units of two around the porch. A three-story tower is connected off the right side of the front porch.

Historical Background

The Dr. Heartsill home was built in 1901 for Dr. O.M. Heartsill and his wife Sarah Garrett.
Dr. Heartsill Home Photos

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