Stephen F. Austin State University

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Carl Roth [n/a]


Biography Content


INTERVIEWER: Today is the 31st of May in Galveston with the Bench Par meeting; I'm meeting with Carl Roth about the Oral history of the eastern district of Texas. Carl tell me a little bit about your educational background and such…

CR: Well I grew up in Port Arthur I went to college at Lamar in Beaumont and started off in engineering didn't like engineering so switched to liberal arts graduated when I was 20 and to keep from going to the army and went to UT law school strictly.

INTERVIEWER: How long have you been practicing in the eastern district?

CR: So I went to UT, graduated took the bar went back to graduate school as I passed the bar and Jeff Hodgkin was one of the famous professors in those days called me aside one day and told me to go to Tyler where posted interviews to be the law clerk at that time you had to have your degree I mean your license to qualify and I met somebody right away and I went to interview with Judge Steger on a Saturday and apparently he was chief judge and the only other judge in the district was Judge Fisher here in Beaumont, Judge Steger hired me and they told me to be there on Monday

INTERVIEWER: How did you like working for him?

CR: Very, very much, we become very close, he was a very interesting guy, he was saw about people, Steger tried many people that I don't , very bright guy in law school they teach you that the most critical thing to do is we could sum up a case and see it can go than everybody... And we tried a lot of cases a number of railroads political compromises of course it didn't work out, he regretted a little bit because...


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