Stephen F. Austin State University

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809 Texas (Steamboat House)

809 Texas (Steamboat House) Photographs

809 Texas 2011 Summer Survey

The Steamboat House is currently located at 809 Texas Street, although it was originally sited on North Street.

Nacogdoches architect Dietrich Rulfs designed the Queen Anne house in 1898 for Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Perkins. When first built, the house faced North Street. In 1929, owners Bernie and Mildred Weatherly turned the house to face Baxter-Duncan Street and modernized the interior, adding bathrooms, closets, and an additional bedroom. In 1988, Mr. and Mrs. Travis Hughes moved the house to its current location on Texas Street. A summer house, originally constructed in 1923, was also located to the Texas Street site.

The 1906 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map of Nacogdoches shows the original location and orientation of the house at 505 North Street.

A vintage photograph in the archives of the East Texas Research Center shows the house at the North Street location.

The July 17, 1988 edition of the Nacogdoches Sunday Sentinel included an article on the relocation effort. This article is courtesy of the East Texas Research Center.

2011 Summer Survey

809 Texas 1986 Survey Information

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