Stephen F. Austin State University

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612 Shawnee

612 Shawnee (Church of Christ) Photographs

612 Shawnee 2011 Summer Survey Information

2011 Summer Survey Form

The Shawnee Church of Christ began sometime in the late 1930s in a small community east of Nacogdoches called Center Point. Gospel meetings were held under a brush arbor and members were baptized in a hole of water in a nearby creek, which led to the establishment of the local congregation. Gatherings were held in different members' homes until a building could be constructed for the congregation. The first church building was located in a community called Richardson Chapel in the early forties. The building was moved from Richardson Chapel to a location on Chandler Street in Nacogdoches sometime in the late 1940s. While on Chandler Street, the congregation increased its membership, which led to the purchase of the property located at 612 Shawnee. Upon building at the new location on Shawnee, membership continued to grow during the 1950s. The Church of Christ continues to exist at its current location at 612 Shawnee.

(Information contained above was summarized from "The History of the Shawnee Church of Christ - Nacogdoches, Texas, authored by Bro. Clonie J. White, which is located in A-202, Box 3, Folder 7 in the East Texas Research Center.)

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