706 Virginia Avenue Photographs
706 Virginia Avenue 2011 Summer Survey
Click here for the survey form.706 Virginia Avenue 1990 National Register Information
- Address: 706 Virginia Avenue
- Date: ca. 1890-1900
- Category: Contributing
- Block: 35
- Lot: 20
- Description: 2-1/2 story frame with bull-nosed siding; massed plan; hip-and-gable asphalt shingle roof with octagonal turret on northeast corner, roof pierced by 1 corbeled interior chimney; fishscale shingles and roof vents in gables; 1-story porch is supported by slender Doric columns; newel posts and bannisters lead to raised first floor; foundation is brick pier skirted in wood lattice; brackets at cornice on tower and south 1-story wing; window 1/1 wood double-hung; entry door has leaded glass side lights; cast concrete steps with urns at street entry; large lot with pine, crape myrtle, and ash trees.
- Significance: This structure overlooking Nacogdoches from Irion Hill was built for Robert Lindsey, a dry goods merchant. Around 1920 Lindsey added a wing to the house for his wife's music taste that would seat more than 100 people. Over the years, the house became a meeting place for music lovers.
706 Virginia Avenue 1986 Survey Information
- Address: 706 Virginia Ave
- Name: Bell/Anderson House
- Date: 1890-1900
- Block: 35
- Lot: 20
- Condition: Excellent; addition on south end
- Description: 2-1/2 story frame with bull-nosed siding; massed plan; hip-and-gable asphalt shingle roof with octagonal turret on northeast comer, roof pierced by 1 corbeled interior chimney; fishscale shingles and roof vents in gables; 1-story porch is supponed by slender Doric columns; newel posts and bannisters lead to raised rust floor; foundation is brick pier skirted in wood lattice; brackets atcomice on tower and south 1-Story wing; window are 1/1 wood double-hung; entry door has leaded glass side lights; cast concrete steps with urns at street entry; large lot with pine. crape myrtle and ash trees.