Stephen F. Austin State University

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113 S. Lanana

113 S. Lanana (Rulfs workshop) Photographs

113 S. Lanana 2011 Summer Survey

Nacogdoches architect Dietrich Rulfs used this building as his studio and workshop in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It received a Historic Restoration grant from the City and the work was completed in early 2011.

The building appears on the 1906 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map of Nacogdoches. This link provides access to the map. The building is labeled "D" on South Lanana Street, near the intersection of South Lanana and East Pillar [sic].

Original 2011 Summer Survey; here is the 2012 format of the same survey

113 S. Lanana 1990 National Register Information

113 S. Lanana 1986 Survey Information

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