Tobacco and Vape Free Campus

Tobacco and Vape Free Campus

In accordance with HOP policy 05-517, SFA is a tobacco- and vape-free campus, including all property that is owned, leased, occupied or controlled by the university. This includes:

  • cigarettes
  • cigars
  • pipes
  • smokeless tobacco
  • e-cigarettes
  • vaporizers
  • vape pens
  • hookahs
  • blunts
  • snuff
  • and any other tobacco or vape related product.

Additionally, the sale or free sampling of tobacco or vape products is prohibited on university property. This policy applies to all employees, students, university affiliates, contractors, and visitors.

This policy change was adopted Aug. 22, 2016 upon recommendation from the Employee Wellness Advisory Board, which is comprised of faculty, staff and students.

This policy is part of SFA's commitment to creating a healthy and sustainable environment for all members of the SFA community, and is designed to be positive and health-directed. SFA is not requiring you to stop using tobacco products, but does expect the policy to be adhered to by all individuals on university property.

Enforcement of the policy will be achieved primarily through education, awareness and a spirit of cooperation. Tobacco users are expected to adhere to the policy and be respectful to former tobacco users and non-tobacco users. Individuals noticing violations of the policy should strive to be non-confrontational and respectful to tobacco users when communicating this policy.


  • Tobacco use is the #1 preventable cause of disease, disability, and death in the U.S. and worldwide.1 Each year, an estimated 480,000 Americans die prematurely from smoking or exposure to secondhand smoke, and another 8.6 million live with serious illness caused by smoking.1, 2
  • There is no risk-free level of tobacco smoke or secondhand smoke.3 Even the occasional use of tobacco has been associated with cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases.4, 5 In addition, a very low level of cigarette consumption has been associated with increased risk of cancer, particularly lung cancer.6 Exposure to secondhand smoke is known to cause heart disease, lung cancer, acute respiratory infections, ear problems, and asthma attacks in nonsmokers. Each year, close to 50,000 Americans die from heart disease or lung cancer caused primarily by exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke.7
  • Smokeless tobacco has been determined to cause cancers of the oral cavity. The two main forms of smokeless tobacco, chewing tobacco and snuff, are associated with cancers of the oral cavity.8
  • Healthcare costs are 40% higher for smokers than nonsmokers in the same age group. Smokers miss an average of 6.16 days of work per year due to sickness (including smoking related acute and chronic conditions), compared to nonsmokers, who miss 3.86 days of work per year.9
  • Effectiveness: Comprehensive tobacco-free campus policies have been proven to:
    • Increase the number of tobacco users who quit;
    • Decrease tobacco use amongst students, faculty, and staff;
    • Change social norms around tobacco use;
    • Increase favorable attitudes towards regulations of tobacco.10


  1. National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention, & Health Promotion (US) Office on Smoking and Health. (2014). The health consequences of smoking-50 years of progress: A report of the surgeon general.
  2. National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, & Office of Smoking and Health. (2010). Tobacco use: September 2010, CDC vital signs.
  3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (US), & Office on Smoking and Health (US). (2010). How tobacco smoke causes disease: The biology and behavioral basis for smoking-attributable disease: A report of the surgeon general.
  4. An, L. C., Berg, C. J., Klatt, C. M., Perry, C. L., Thomas, J. L., Luo, X., Ehlinger, E., & Ahluwalia, J. S. (2009). Symptoms of cough and shortness of breath among occasional young adult smokers. Nicotine Tobacco Research, 11(2), 126-133.
  5. Schane, R. E., Ling, P. M., & Glantz, S. A. (2010). Health effects of light and intermittent smoking: a review. Circulation, 121, 1518-1522.
  6. Bjartveit, K., & Tverdal, A. (2005). Health consequences of smoking 1-4 cigarettes per day. Tobacco Control, 14, 315-320.
  7. Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids. (2010). Health harms from secondhand smoke.
  8. National Toxicology Program, & Public Health Service, HHS. (2014). Report on carcinogens.
  9. Center for Health Statistics. (2011). Texas Behavior Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) Survey Data.
  10. Seo, D. C., Macy, J. T., Torabi, M. R., & Middlestadt, S. E. (2011). The effect of a smoke-free campus policy on college students' smoking behaviors and attitudes. Preventative Medicine, 53(4-5), 347-352.

Policy History

  • October 1991: The SFA Board of Regents approved the first tobacco policy which permitted tobacco use in specific locations around the SFA campus.
  • April 2006: The SFA Board of Regents approved the revised tobacco policy to prohibit tobacco use within 20 feet of any entrance to a building or facility.
  • February 2012: The Cancer Prevention & Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT) entered rule §703.20: Certification of Tobacco-Free Policy for Entities Receiving CPRIT Funds, into the Texas Administrative Code, requiring that all entities receiving or applying for CPRIT funds must certify a tobacco-free workplace by August 31, 2012 in order to remain eligible for CPRIT funding.
  • April 2015: The SFA Board of Regents approved the revised tobacco policy to include vaping products.
  • October 2015: The SFA Faculty Senate and the SFA Student Government Association approved a joint resolution to establish SFA as a tobacco free campus. President Baker Pattillo accepted their resolution and charged the SFA Employee Wellness Advisory Board with making policy recommendations.
  • January 2016: The SFA Board of Regents approved the revised tobacco policy.
  • August 2016: The revised SFA tobacco policy goes into effect.

View HOP policy 05-51.

Tobacco cessation resources

SFA is committed to supporting students, faculty and staff who want to quit smoking.

For students

Students who desire to quit can consult a medical practitioner at the SFA Health and Wellness Hub. Smoking cessation strategies will be provided. Make an appointment by calling 936.468.4008.

Individual counseling with licensed professional counselors is available for students. Call Counseling Services at 936.468.2401 or come by the hub to make an appointment.

For faculty and staff

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas offers smoking cessation services to SFA employees. Tobacco cessation coaching is a benefit provided by HealthSelect. This free, confidential service consists of telephone coaching by training professionals and is tailored to your individual smoking habits and needs. To enroll in the telephone coaching program, call HealthSelect customer service at 1.866.336.9371.

HealthSelect members can also visit the HealthSelect website and select the "Wellness Resources" tab for more information.

Prescription Nicotine Replacement Therapy is a covered benefit for HealthSelect members. Contact your pharmacy benefit manger OptumRx (1-855-828-9834) or visit the ERS website for more information on medications that are covered under your benefits.

For entire SFA community

Quit Kits

SFA offers this resource which includes educational materials and tools to help you quit. Visit one of the following locations to pick up your Quit Kit. All pickups will remain private.

Counseling Services

Counseling Services offers free weekly workshops for the campus community on topics related to stress management and wellness. Call 936.468.2401 for more information.

1.877.44U.QUIT (1.877.448.7848)

The National Cancer Institute's trained counselors are available 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday to provide information and help with quitting in English or Spanish.

1.800.QUIT.NOW (1.800.784.8669)

The National Telephonic Quitline will connect callers directly to their state quitline. All state quitlines have in place trained coaches who provide information and help with quitting.

American Lung Association Freedom from Smoking Online Program

The American Lung Association offers an evidenced based Freedom from Smoking on-line program offering a structured approach to quitting.

Quit Now TEXAS: Online Tobacco Sensation

Tobacco cessation is about more than just not smoking. This Quit For Live program uses "The Four Essential Practices to Quit For Life," that are based on 25 years of research and experience helping people quit tobacco.

Become an Ex

The EX plan teaches individuals how to live life without cigarettes in three steps. This free program was developed at the highly respected Mayo Clinic and is endorsed by the National Alliance for Tobacco Cessation. 

Tobacco Quitline

The Quitline offers personalized support and the tools and strategies to become smoke- and tobacco-free. Services include confidential phone and web counseling services and resources such as nicotine patches, gums, or lozenges, for those that qualify. Contact 1.877.YES.QUIT (1.877.937.7848) or visit the Yes Quit website


This free mobile text messaging service is designed for adults and young adults who are trying to quit smoking. The program was created to provide 24/7 encouragement, advice, and tips to help smokers quit smoking and stay quit. Sign up online. is a comprehensive website providing one-stop access to the best and most up-to-date tobacco-related information from across its agencies. This consolidated resource includes general information on tobacco, federal and state laws and policies, health statistics, and evidence-based methods on how to quit.