Stephen F. Austin State University

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Texas & Pacific Train Depot (Ginocchio Historical District)

800 N. Washington, Marshall

National Register File

The Texas and Pacific Train Depot was listed on the National Register with a group of structures located in the Ginocchio Historica District in 1974.

TX Historical Marker

The Texas & Pacific Railroad became a TX Historical Landmark in 1985.

Architectural Survey

Architectural Survey

The 1912 Texas & Pacific Depot, is a two-story Mission Revival structure.

Historical Background

The Texas and Pacific Railway Company recieved a federal charter in 1871 to build a transcontinental railroad along the 32nd parallel from Marshall to San Diego. The Texas and Pacific built over fifty-seven shops in Marshall and by 1918 the company had 1,600 employees who constructed and repaired locomotives. The T&P shops were situated on 66.5 acres of land in the northeastern part of Marshall and operated until after World War II. The Texas & Pacific first opened in 1912 and continued in uses as a passenger station until 1974.

The depot is located within the Ginocchio National Reigster Historical District. Today the depot houses the Depot Museum and the AMTRAK ticket office and is owned and operated by Marshall Depot, Inc.

T&P Depot Photos

Historical Background

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