Stephen F. Austin State University

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Undergraduate Bulletin

Undergraduate Bulletin

Access the online undergraduate bulletin.

Students and advisors alike can use the contents of this bulletin to better understand curriculum and develop a degree plan that works within the student's interests.

Key Features

Searching curriculum with ease - This online bulletin allows users to search curriculum by college, department or individual program. Every degree SFA offers is listed within the "Program Offerings (A-Z)" tab to the left. From there, you can browse by degree, certificate and minors and then by emphasis or concentration. Do you want to know how many hours your degree will take? You can locate that by accessing the Program Offerings tab or through the college the program is housed within.

Creating your portfolio - The bulletin offers a "My Portfolio" feature that allows you to connect to a personalized account. Log in or create an account that you can use to save courses, programs and navigation links that are of interest to you. Please use your mySFA username and password when creating a new portfolio account.

Printing a degree plan - All programs in the system generate a quick-reference Degree Planner guide that can easily be printed and used for student advising.

Share with friends - Are you a freshman or starting your final semester and want to share your accomplishments on social media? The "Share" icon in the top right corner of most screens allows you to share content on both Facebook and Twitter. Keep your family and friends updated regarding your progress or programs that interest you.

How would you like to send your message?

  1. Using the SFA e-mail form
  2. Using your e-mail program (Outlook, Entourage, Thunderbird, etc.).