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SFA sits within a unique nexus of natural resources, which makes it the ideal university for studying biology. Your education will go far beyond lectures and simulations as you participate in real-world, field-based experiences. In addition, our faculty members will serve as mentors throughout your academic journey.

Pre-Health Program

Do you want to turn your love of biology into a medical profession? Design your own pre-med, pre-dentistry,  pre-optometry or other pre-health pathway.

Recognition and News

Learn about honors, awards and other recognition for our faculty members, students and their work.

  • A matter of life and breath

    Julia Gaona saves lives as a respiratory therapist on an elite neonatal and pediatric intensive care team that travels by jet to patients more than 100 miles from Texas Children’s Hospital – once going as far as Guatemala. Julia’s journey began when she earned her biology degree at SFA. She then earned her Bachelor of Science in respiratory care at The University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston. Julia also assists in the hospital’s pediatric intensive care unit and works as a respiratory therapist at UTMB-Galveston. 

    Julia Gaona, SFA Class of 2008

    Julia Gaona, Class of 2008

Transformative Experiences

At SFA, we believe students benefit greatly from hands-on learning in and out of the classroom. Transformative experiences are at the core of our academic philosophy.

Core Facilities

Core Facilities

In addition to four national forests near campus for field studies, SFA is equipped with high-tech equipment worth millions of dollars that includes a tissue-culture facility, molecular biology equipment, electron microscopes, a 7,200-square-foot greenhouse, a herbarium with 79,000 plant specimens, a vertebrate museum, and one of the state’s largest collections of invertebrates.

SFA biology research

Research Opportunities

Within SFA’s well-equipped facilities, students can join faculty researching a broad range of biology topics. From disease-fighting plant compounds to conservation of amphibians, our professors are researching fascinating topics in the fields of botany, cellular and molecular biology, ecology and evolutionary biology as well as biotechnology. 

want to contact the department of biology?




    Miller Science Building
    Suite 101

    Mailing Address:
    P.O. Box 13003, SFA Station
    Nacogdoches, Texas 75962-3033