We’re passionate about plants

The staff members at SFA gardens come from a wide range of backgrounds, but they all have one thing in common: They truly love plants. Our staff members are passionate about East Texas plant life, and they love sharing their knowledge through education and community outreach events such as lectures, plant sales and gardening workshops for kids and adults.

David Creech

Dr. Dave Creech received his Bachelor of Science in horticulture from Texas A&M University, his Master of Science in horticulture from Colorado State University and his doctorate in horticulture from Texas A&M University. 

Creech’s research interests include blueberry germplasm evaluation and horticultural studies, alternative crop/alternative technology work, crop nutrition studies, new plant introductions for the ornamental horticulture industry, endangered plant rescue, research and reintroduction and finding sustainable solutions to environmental concerns. He is the author of several scholarly and trade articles, and he has accumulated a long list of international consultancies since 1981 to Pakistan, Guatemala, Mexico, Nepal, Israel and China. Dr. Creech has served as president of the Native Plant Society of Texas and the Southern Region American Society of Horticulture Science.

Jordan Cunningham

Jordan Cunningham received her Bachelor of Science in horticulture from SFA. She also worked as a student assistant at the SFA Gardens. As an undergraduate, she received impressive summer internships with Moore Farms Botanical Garden in Lake City, South Carolina, and with Disney Horticulture, Orlando, Florida. After earning her degree, Cunningham worked as a garden supervisor at the Dallas Arboretum in the Paseo de Flores. Her current responsibilities include maintaining the greenhouse and nursery areas along with contributing to the design and planting in the landscapes of the SFA Gardens.

Jocelyn Moore
Assistant Environmental Education Program Coordinator

Jocelyn Moore joined the SFA Gardens education program in the summer of 2014 as a counselor for the award-winning Pinewoods Summer Camp. In October 2016, Jocelyn joined the SFA Gardens as Assistant Education Coordinator. She coordinates the children’s after-school program Nacogdoches Naturally, as well as hands-on workshops and community outreach programs for adults.

Duke Pittman

Duke Pittman joined the SFA gardens staff in October 2009. He holds a Bachelor of Science in horticulture from SFA, and he runs his own landscape company, Blooms, Sweat and Shears. His primary duties at SFA gardens involve the Ruby M. Mize Azalea Garden.

Dawn Stover
Research Associate

Dawn Stover earned her Bachelor of Science in biology from West Texas A&M and her Master of Science in agriculture from SFA. As part of her research responsibilities, Dawn trials a wide range of herbaceous and woody plant materials and disseminates information within the horticulture industry as well as the gardening public. She currently maintains the herbaceous plant collections within the SFA Mast Arboretum and Pineywoods Native Plant Center, and she is responsible for the horticulture greenhouse facilities.   

Anne Adams
Program Associate

Anne Adams holds a master’s degree in early childhood education from SFA. She spent 30 years as a public school teacher and 27 years in the fashion industry before joining the staff at SFA Gardens as part-time Program Associate.

Malcolm Turner
Garden Technician

Malcolm Turner’s responsibilities include taking care of the blueberry, fig, muscadine and kiwifruit plantings at SFA Gardens. He is also responsible for the Moody Gardens Research project. Malcolm started out as a volunteer for SFA Gardens before he was hired in March 2017 as a garden technician.

Thomas Dimmitt
Garden Technician

Thomas earned his SFA Bachelor of Science degree in Forestry with an emphasis in urban forestry and a minor in horticulture. He worked as a student assistant under Greg Grant at the Pineywoods Native Plant Center, followed by employment as a forester with the Texas A&M Forest Service. Thomas came back to SFA Gardens to follow his passion for public gardens and native plants.