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Headshot image of Alicia St. Germaine
Alicia St. Germaine
  • East Texas
Hometown: Pflugerville
About me: I love SFA basketball! I have two pups: Romeo and Salem, and if I could spend the day with any animal, it would be a sloth.
My college experience: I studied English at SFA and loved all the opportunities for involvement on campus and the numerous people who supported me through all of my endeavors!
Headshot image of Amy Kobuck
Amy Kobuck
  • North Dallas to Oklahoma border
  • Northeast Dallas
Hometown: Bryan
About me: I love 80's sitcoms! SFA football and basketball are always fun to watch. I'd love to spend a day in Africa with an elephant. They are so beautiful and majestic!
My college experience: I studied criminal justice and psychology at SFA. My lifelong friendships and the amazing experiences as a student as some of my favorite things. Axe 'em!
Headshot image of Brendan Lardie
Brendan Lardie
  • Central Texas (South)
  • Rio Grande Valley
  • San Antonio
Hometown: Clear Lake
About me: SFA's tradition of painting Axe Handles is one of my favorites. My claim to fame is that my grandmother made out with Elvis Presley! I'd love to spend a day with elephants.
My college experience: I studied marketing at SFA and really enjoyed how much I was involved and the memories I created with friends.
Headshot image of Chase Merrell
Chase Merrell
  • East Texas
  • Southeast Texas
Hometown: Lufkin
About me: I've broadcasted sports for over five years and enjoy watching SFA basketball. If I could spend a whole day with an animal (and it not hurt me), I'd probably choose a lion.
My college experience: I attended The University of Texas at Tyler, Angelina Community College and SFA. I studied mass communication with a focus on advertising and promotion, and loved cheering on our Lumberjacks and Ladyjacks at athletic events.
Headshot image of Danielle Jacobs
Danielle Jacobs
  • Blinn College
  • School districts:
    • Alief ISD
    • Cypress-Fairbanks ISD
    • Katy ISD
  • South Houston
  • West Houston
Hometown: Los Angeles
About me: I love coffee, especially lattes and mochas. I ship in new espressos from all over America to find my favorites. One of my favorite spots on campus is the SAA Cinema. Snacks and air conditioning are the best. If I could spend a day with any animal, it would be a giraffe. We'd eat peanut butter and bananas together!
My college experience: I attended The Master's University in Santa Clarita, California. My area of study was business with an emphasis in finance and public relations. I enjoyed all my classes but I loved spending time with my friends and exploring new places with them. We did a lot of road trips, visited weird places and ate awesome food.
Headshot image of Emily Forcum
Emily Forcum
  • Central Texas (North)
  • Southwest Texas
  • West Texas
Hometown: Plano
About me: I was in a sorority at my alma mater. At SFA, I love all the traditions and watching football! If I could, I'd spend a day hanging out with a penguin.
My college experience: I attended the University of Arkansas, where I studied history and international studies. I loved the community aspect of college, all of us were connected because we went to the same school. When there was always someone who would celebrate with you or help take off the weight on hard days. Friends were made instantly and lasted forever simply because we were all in it together.
Headshot image of Estefania Torres
Estefania Torres
  • El Paso
  • Northeast Texas
Hometown: El Paso
About me: I speak Spanish. The Homecoming bonfire is one of my favorite SFA traditions, and I love pandas!
My college experience: I studied marketing at The University of Texas at El Paso. I loved being involved in clubs/organizations and meeting new people.
Headshot image of Grace Hamilton
Grace Hamilton
  • East Dallas
  • Hunt County
  • Kaufman County
  • Rockwall County
  • South Dallas
Hometown: Baytown
About me: I enjoy watching our beach volleyball team. Once cool thing about me is that I've gone skydiving! If I could spend the day with any animal, it would be a dolphin.
My college experience: I studied social work at SFA. My favorite thing about college was getting involved and meeting so many amazing people! These experiences brought me countless opportunities and led me to where I am today.
Headshot image of Janet McLeroy
Janet McLeroy
  • Dual Credit schools
  • Blinn College
  • Lone Star College System
Hometown: Lancaster
About me: I love to take cruises! My favorite SFA tradition is the Homecoming bonfire. If I could spend the day with any animal, it would be a buffalo.
My college experience: I attended SFA, studying journalism and also earning a Master of Science in human sciences. I loved meeting new people who had different experiences than me.
Headshot image of Justin Gilliland
Justin Gilliland
  • North Houston
Hometown: Spring
About me: I've applied for the show Survivor four times and even received a call back! Watching SFA football is one of my favorite activities on campus. If I could spend a day with any animal, it would be a panda.
My college experience: At the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor, I earned a Bachelor of Science in sports management with a minor in marketing. I loved that college gave me the opportunity to build relationships with several people. It was the most exciting and least stressful time of my life.
Headshot image of Vanessa Wilbourn
Vanessa Wilbourn
  • East Houston
Hometown: Jacksonville
About me: I have four dachshunds! They're all seniors, with ages ranging 12 to 15. I enjoy watching Ladyjack basketball and would love to spend a day with a little blue penguin.
My college experience: At SFA, I earned two bachelor's degrees, one in business communication and corporate education, and the other in mass communication with a focus on radio and TV. As a student, I enjoyed having a great mass communication cohort and the basketball double header games. SFA felt like my home away from home every day and that's because of the people who make the university so great!
Headshot image of Yuliana Ortega
Yuliana Ortega
  • Fort Worth (and surrounding areas)
Hometown: Dallas
About me: My favorite restaurant is Cava and I enjoy watching SFA basketball. I'd choose a giraffe, if I could spend a day with any animal.
My college experience: I studied economics at Midwestern State University and loved building community.