
SFA strongly encourages all Lumberjacks to report incidents of sex- and gender-based discrimination including sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, and stalking, as well as discrimination of the basis of gender identity, gender expression and sexual orientation. The more we know, the more we can do to stop the harassment, remedy its effects and prevent its reoccurrence. 


Lumberjacks and the SFA community may file a report with the university at any time if they have been impacted by sex- and gender-based discrimination while participating in university sanctioned programs and events. 

If you feel that you have been impacted by prohibited conduct under HOP policy 01-307, Title IX you are strongly encouraged to bring it to the attention of the University’s Title IX Coordinator. She is empowered to provide supportive remedies and academic adjustments to all individuals impacted by potential discrimination and to protect the safety of the campus community through these measures.

The Title IX office is here to provide support and resources, and/or disciplinary remedies such as probation, suspension, or expulsion for students, or termination of employment for employees when necessary to ensure equitable access to education. 

Individuals have the right to report their own incident anonymously using the self-reporting form without sharing their name or information. You may pick this option if you'd like to make the university aware of incidents or general trends but you may not be seeking any further action. Depending on the information provided, the university’s ability to respond may be limited.