Texas law, SB 212, requires all employee of a college or university in Texas to report to the Title IX Coordinator any information regarding an alleged incident of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence or stalking, committed by or against a person enrolled at or employed by the institution at the time of the incident.
The obligation to report applies whenever an employee receives, in the course and scope of employment, information about an alleged incident which reasonably constitutes sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence or stalking committed by or against a person who was a student or employee at the time of the incident. The mandatory reporting form must include all information known to the employee which would be relevant to an investigation or redress of the incident, including whether the alleged victim has expressed a desire for confidentiality. A party’s desire for confidentiality does not relieve the employee’s obligation to report.
All SFA employees report in an effort to ensure equitable access, seek support for the impacted parties and ensure campus safety. State law and university policy further supports that mission by requiring action when an employee does not recognize their responsibility including requiring the university to terminate employment for Lumberjacks who fail to report such matters and could impose potential criminal penalties.