Attracting and Supporting a High-Quality Faculty and Staff
The working team charged with developing recommendations to attract and support high-quality faculty and staff focused on two broad strategies:
- Provide salary support that reflects the importance of current faculty and staff and aids in the recruitment of new faculty and staff. The committee feels the most pressing issue to address to accomplish the overall goal is ensuring that faculty and staff are supported through their salary. This includes addressing merit pay to reward hard work and maintain morale. Significant funds will be necessary to address continuing merit pay. Therefore, the task force is developing a specific ongoing strategy that focuses on enrollment growth, judicious tuition increases, and budget reallocations to accomplish this goal.
- Provide attractive quality-of-life support and incentives to current and new faculty and staff that reflect a professional environment. SFA can offer faculty and staff members important support and incentives that are not directly tied to pay. Thus, the task force is developing specific recommendations regarding improving faculty and staff quality of life.
Attracting & Supporting High-Quality Faculty & Staff
Files & Minutes
Team List
Jessica Barrett
Business Affairs
Justin Blount
Business Communications & Legal Studies
Lauren Brewer
Psychology/Faculty Senate
Loretta Doty
Human Resources
Karen Embry-Jenlink
Faculty Senate
Dannette Sales
Karyn Hall
Institutional Research
Buddy Himes
College of Fine Arts
Eric Jones
Kinesiology and Health Sciences
Sudeshna Roy
Languages, Cultures & Communications
Debbie Sellman
Business Affairs
Trey Turner
Office of Development
Team List
Eric Jones
Kinesiology & Health Science (Team Leader)
Jessica Barrett
Business Affairs
Lauren Brewer
Psychology/Faculty Senate
Loretta Doty
Human Resources
Roy Joe Harris
Mathematics & Statistics
Jason Lisenby
Information Technology Services
Daniel McCleary
Human Services
Sudeshna Roy
Languages, Cultures, and Communication
Dannette Sales
Megan Weatherly
Center for Teaching & Learning
SB-17 Compliance
Some activities referenced in the Strategic Plan are now prohibited by Texas State law and are no longer in effect.