The University of Texas System Police Department at SFA offers a wide variety of crime prevention programs to our campus community either by a pre-scheduled course or upon request throughout the semester. Requested courses can be customized to cover one or several topics. Fore more information, contact the campus police at 936.468.2608.

Courses include:

  • Personal Safety Awareness - teaches people to be aware of their surroundings including location, people, possible escape routes, emergency call phones and safe paths of travel. University services are also discussed such as personal escorts by vehicle or on foot.
  • Residential and Office Security - teaches basic safety protocols in securing personal items, locking doors when the room is not occupied, and dangers of leaving personal items unattended in classrooms, gymnasiums, cafeterias or walking tracks.
  • Sexual Assault Awareness - Discusses potential dangers of leaving drinks unattended at clubs or parties, going out alone, benefits of using the buddy system and knowing where you are going and who you are going with.
  • Rape Aggression Defense - This free course provides attendees with information, tactics and considerations which will be useful for various types of abductive encounters perpetrated against women.
  • Drug and Alcohol Awareness - A course taught to educate attendees of the affects of drug and alcohol use. The attendee is made aware of how the use will effect their academic status, possible disciplinary sanctions imposed and possible criminal charges that could be filed in criminal courts.
  • Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events - The campus police presents this nationally-recognized program to our community members to offer options if they are confronted with an active shooter or other hostile event.